Tennessee Film Photographer

As a Tennessee Film Photographer, I’m always so excited to try new locations that will enhance the look of my film photography. Since we moved into our little historic neighborhood, I’ve had my eye on one of our neighbors houses, knowing it was perfect for photos. It’s just beautiful with its painted white brick and contrasting black shutters. I KNOW Joanna Gaines would love it! Over the years, we’ve gotten to know our neighbors better. When we had our son, they invited us to come into their yard and play anytime we like. This year, I knew it was the place to have my son’s Easter portraits taken. So, I dressed him up and hiked down the hill with wipes, a red chair given to him by his aunt and “Pa”, and candy for bribing.
Film Photographers in Tennessee
I learned so much during this shoot. First, from a photographer’s standpoint, I realized having a white background is key to getting amazing photos. End of that story! See how creamy and dreamy the pictures are? That’s the wonder of film photography! It’s just so clean and timeless. In 20 years, I’m not going to look back at these images and say “Oh that was SO 2018″. This image isn’t layered with the popular photography settings of the day. It’s just clean and classic film. And I love that!
Also, a lot of children, when they have their photos taken, get really dark circles under their eyes. This is due to the nature of digital photography. A lot of times, I have had to go in and lighten the circles under their eyes with special digital brushes. And I hate it but it doesn’t always turn out looking natural. I’ve often left the image as is, because it looks more distracting “edited” than without. But film photography gets around that with just the creamiest skin tones and light balance! I love it.
Knoxville Film Photographer
After this shoot, I also learned a lot from a parent’s standpoint. Because film costs $7 per roll and only sixteen frames per roll, I knew each click was costing me money. I also know that when I send them off to be processed and scanned, it costs me $16 per roll, and roughly $3 to ship one roll to the lab. Needless to say, each click of the camera starts to add up. It’s not the same as with digital where I would click 100 times in 15 minutes. I was investing not only time but money into the session. It made me empathize with my clients when they come to a session. They’re dressed and ready for me to create something beautiful for them. It truly made the gravity of that even more profound to me.
Film Family Photographer in Knoxville Tn
I also felt the real stress that parents have when their little one is being photographed. You want every little detail to be perfect. Their hair, their faces perfectly clean, their clothes just right. But guess what?! I learned something that should be very free-ing to moms everywhere! the pictures still turn out fine even if all that doesn’t go right! At first glance, these pictures look ok! But look closer. Like, really close. There’s dust or lint on his jacket. The soles and bottoms of his shoes are dirty because he ran through mud and mulch while I was trying to catch him for a shot. Even though I brushed his hair, the wind picked it up and blew it the other way. In that last shot down there? He ran away crying and screaming. But just look how pretty the images turned out! Don’t ever feel just because a session didn’t go the way you hoped it would, that a lot of pretty images aren’t going to result because of it 🙂
(this is his “I’m getting gum if I set real still” look haha!)
And even though he’s chewing gum in this image, it’s my favorite. I love this little guy. Hope you’ve enjoyed these film images! And I also hope you’ll message us about our film mini- sessions at Bleak House in Knoxville TN April 7th and 14th!